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Friday, April 13, 2012

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Diminishes dark circles, wrinkles, creases, and crows feet.
Noticeable results in the first 30 minutes.
Firms and tightens skin for obnoxiously luminous skin.
Thin, lightweight serum also works wonderfully as a makeup primer.
Guaranteed results or return for a refund.

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  Product Description
If we could, we would give everyone a bottle of Best Eye Cream (BEC). This powerful little bottle gives all the results of department store eye creams (that require second mortgages), for an honest price. Will it take 30 years off? No. Will your skin look lighter, brighter, and more luminous? We think so, because we use it and we love it. Try it, and give us your honest opinion.

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World's Best 00627 Cat Litter, Multiple Cat Clumping Formula, 17 Pounds (Packaging Varies) best seller

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

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Ends Odor the Best
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  Product Description
Product Description
World's Best Cat Litter, Multiple Cat Clumping Formula, with scientific performance, is the only cat litter that can call itself "the best". It is the only litter with a patented formula that harnesses the power of naturally microporous whole-kernel corn to control odor better, absorb moister faster, clump tighter and last longer than other litters. After all, when it comes to controlling cat odor, there's no such thing as 'good enough'. Finally, the 100% natural alternative is the solution that works the best - guaranteed!

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

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  Product Details
Manufacturer: Interscope
ASIN: B0071T5PN0 Sales Rank: 98

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The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: A Novel (Random House Movie Tie-In Books) (Paperback) reviews

Monday, April 9, 2012

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  Product Details
Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks
Release date: March 13, 2012
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 5.1 inches x 0.7 inches x 7.9 inches; 8 ounces
Shipping Weight: 8 ounces
Number of Pages: 336 pages ...

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  Product Description
“[Deborah] Moggach has served us a treat with this novel. Moving, sincere, funny.”—Independent on Sunday
“Underneath the ironies, [The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel] is a book about remembering—too late, or not too late—how to be alive.”—The Times Literary Supplement
“Classic Moggach: funny, touching, and . . . full of colours and visual details.”—The Daily Telegraph

Product Description
Now a major motion picture starring Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, Billy Nighy, and Dev Patel
When Ravi Kapoor, an overworked London doctor, reaches the breaking point with his difficult father-in-law, he asks his wife: “Can’t we just send him away somewhere? Somewhere far, far away.” His prayer is seemingly answered when Ravi’s entrepreneurial cousin sets up a retirement home in India, hoping to re-create in Bangalore an elegant lost corner of England. Several retirees are enticed by the promise of indulgent living at a bargain price, but upon arriving, they are dismayed to find that restoration of the once sophisiticated hotel has stalled, and that such amenities as water and electricity are . . . infrequent. But what their new life lacks in luxury, they come to find, it’s plentiful in adventure, stunning beauty, and unexpected love.
About the Author
Deborah Moggach is the author of sixteen successful novels, including the bestselling Tulip Fever, and two collections of stories. Her screenplays include Pride and Prejudice, which was nominated for a BAFTA. She lives in North London.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Truth will set you free.
Swami Pur na

Muriel Donnelly, an old girl in her seventies, was left in a hospi- tal cubicle for forty-eight hours. She had taken a tumble in Peck- ham  High  Street  and  was  admitted  with  cuts,  bruises  and
suspected concussion. Two days she lay in A & E, untended, the blood stiffening on her clothes.
It made the headlines. TWO  DAYS! screamed the tabloids. Two days on a trolley, old, neglected, alone. St. Jude’s was be- sieged by reporters, waylaying nurses and shouting into their mo- biles, didn’t they know the things were forbidden? Photos showed her lolling gray head and black eye. Plucky pensioner, she had survived the Blitz for this? Her image was beamed around  the country:  Muriel  Donnelly,  the  latest  victim of  the  collapsing NHS, the latest shocking statistic showing that the British health system, once the best in the world, was disintegrating in a welter of underfunding, staff shortages and collapsing morale.
A hand-wringing  why-oh-why  piece appeared  in the  Daily Mail, an internal investigation was ordered. Dr. Ravi Kapoor was interviewed. He was weary but polite. He said Mrs. Donnelly had received the appropriate  care and that she was waiting for a bed. He didn’t mention that he would kill for an hour’s sleep. He didn’t mention that since the closure of the Casualty department at the neighboring hospital, his own, at St. Jude’s, had to cope with twice the number of drunks, drug overdoses and victims of pointless violence; that St. Jude’s would soon be closing because its site, in the center of Lewisham, was deemed too valuable for sick people; that the private consortium  that had taken it over had sold the land to Safeway, who were planning to build a super- store.

Exhausted, Ravi drove home to Dulwich. Walking up his path, he paused to breathe deeply. It was seven in the evening; some- where a bird sang. Beside the path, daffodil blooms had shriveled into tissue paper. Spring had come and gone without his noticing.
In the kitchen, Pauline was reading the Evening Standard. The story had gathered momentum;  other cases were printed,  out- raged relatives told their tales.
Ravi opened a carton of apple juice. “Thing is, I didn’t men- tion the real reason the old bat wasn’t treated.”
Pauline fetched him a glass. “Why?”
“She wouldn’t let any darkies touch her.”
Pauline burst  out  laughing.  At another  time—another  life- time, it seemed—Ravi would have laughed too. Nowadays  that place was unreachable, a golden land where, refreshed and rested, he could have the energy to find things funny.
Upstairs the lavatory flushed.
“Who’s that?” Ravi’s head reared up. There was a silence.

“I was going to tell you,” said Pauline. “Who is it?”
Footsteps creaked overhead.
“He won’t be here for long, honestly, not this time,” she bab- bled. “I’ve told him he’s got to behave himself—”
“Who is it?”
He knew, of course.
Pauline looked at him. “It’s my father.”

Ravi was a man of compassion. He was a doctor; he tended the sick, he mended the broken. Those who were felled by accident, violence or even self-mutilation found in him a grave and reassuring presence. He bandaged up the wounds of those who lay at the wayside, unloved and unlovable; he staunched the bleeding. No- body was turned away, ever. To do the job, of course, required detachment. He had long ago learned a sort of numbed empathy. Bodies were problems to be solved. To heal them he had to vio- late them by invading their privacy, delving into them with his skilled fingers. These people were frightened. They were utterly alone, for sickness is the loneliest place on earth.
Work sealed him from the world that delivered him its casual- ties, the doors sighing open and surrendering them up to him; he was suspended from the life to which he would return at the end of his shift. Once home, however, he showered off the hospital smell and became a normal person. Volatile, fastidious, a lover of choral music and computer games, sympathetic enough but somewhat  drained.  Of  course he was compassionate,  but  no more or less than anybody else. After all, the Hippocratic  Oath need not apply on home territory. And especially not to a disgust- ing old sod like Norman.
Barely a week had passed and already Ravi wanted to murder his father-in-law. Norman was a retired structural engineer, a monumental  bore and a man of repulsive habits. He had been thrown out of his latest residential home for putting his hand up a nurse’s skirt. “Inappropriate sexual behavior,”  they called it, though Ravi could not imagine what appropriate  behavior could possibly be, where Norman  was concerned. His amorous anec- dotes, like a loop of Muzak, reappeared with monotonous regu- larity. Already Ravi had heard, twice this week, the one about catching the clap in Bulawayo. Being a doctor, Ravi was treated to Norman’s more risqué reminiscences in a hoarse whisper.
“Get me some Viagra, old pal,” he said, when Pauline was out of the room. “Bet you’ve got some upstairs.”
The man cut his toenails in the lounge! Horrible  yellowing shards of rock. Ravi had never liked him, and age had deepened this into loathing of the old goat with his phony regimental tie and stained trousers. Ruthlessly selfish, Norman  had neglected his daughter  all her life; ten years earlier, however, pancreatic cancer had put his long-suffering wife out of her misery and he had battened on to Pauline. Once, on safari in Kenya, Ravi had watched  a warthog  muscling its way to a water  hole, barging aside any animal that got in its way. He retained, for some rea- son, a vivid image of its mud-caked arse.
“I can’t stand much more of this,” he hissed. Nowadays  he and Pauline had to whisper like children. Despite his general di- lapidation, Norman’s hearing was surprisingly sharp.
“I’m doing my best, Ravi, I’m seeing another place tomorrow, but it’s difficult to find anywhere else to take him. Word gets around, you know.”
“Can’t we just send him away somewhere?” “Yes, but where?” she asked.
“Somewhere far, far away?”
“Ravi, that’s not nice. He is my father.”

Ravi looked at his wife. She changed when her father  was around. She became more docile, in fact goody-goody, the dutiful daughter  anxious  that  the two  men in her life get along. She laughed shrilly at her father’s terrible jokes, willing Ravi to join in. There was a glazed artificiality to her.
Worse still, with her father in the house he noticed the similar- ity between them. Pauline had her father’s square, heavy jaw and small eyes. On him they looked porcine, but one could still see the resemblance.
Norman  had stayed with them several times during the past year—whenever he was kicked out of a residential home, in fact. The stays were lengthening as establishments that hadn’t heard of him became harder to find. “The man’s a menace,” said the manager of the last one, “straight out of  Benny Hill. We lost a lovely girl from Nova Scotia.”
“Thing is, he’s frightened of women,” said Ravi. “That’s why he has to jump them all the time.”
Pauline looked at him. “At least someone does.”
There was a silence. They were preparing Sunday lunch. Ravi yanked open the oven door and pulled out the roasting tin.
“I’m so tired,” he said.
It was true. He was always exhausted. He needed time to re- vive himself, to restore himself. He needed a good night’s sleep. He needed to lie on the sofa and listen to Mozart’s Requiem. Only then could he become a husband again—a human being, even. The house was so small, with her father in it. Ravi’s body was in a permanent  state of tension. Every room he went into, Norman  was there. Just at the Lacrimosa he would blunder in, the transistor  hanging on a string around  his neck burbling the cricket commentary from Sri Lanka.
“He uses my computer.”
“Don’t change the subject,” said Pauline.

The place stank of Norman’s cigarettes. When they banished him outside, the patio became littered with butts like the Out- patients doorway at St. Jude’s.
“He downloads pornographic sites.” When Ravi entered his study the chair was skewed from the desk; the room felt violated. Fag-ends lay drowned in the saucer underneath  his maidenhair fern.
Pauline slit open a packet of beans. They both knew what they were talking about.
“I’m sorry.” Ravi stroked her hair. “I want to, really. It’s just, the walls are so thin.”
It was true. At night, when they lay in bed, Ravi could almost feel her father a few inches away, lying in the pigsty that had once been the spare bedroom.
“But he’s asleep,” said Pauline.
“Yes, I can hear that, all too distinctly.”
“He is amazing,” she replied. “I’ve never known anybody who can snore and fart at the same time.”
Ravi laughed. Suddenly they were conspirators.  Pauline put the beans on the counter and turned to her husband. Ravi put his arms around her and kissed her—truly kissed her, the first time in weeks. Her mouth  opened against his; her tongue, pressing again...

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

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  Product Details
Publisher: Lonely Planet Publications
Release date: June 22, 2011
Number of Pages: 39 pages

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  Product Description
Product Description
Sample Lonely Planet’s TRIPS Series

Whether you’re a local looking for a long weekend escape, or a visitor looking to explore, Lonely Planet’s TRIPS series offers the best itineraries – and makes it easy to plan the perfect trip time and again.

Series Features:

Easy-to-use maps for every trip, plus driving times and directions
Explore the country with trips ranging from two days to two weeks
Theme icons make finding the perfect trip simple – no matter what your interest
Local experts share their favorite trip ideas
Tune in on the road with our regional music playlists
Family-friendly and pet-friendly listings throughout

Check out all the TRIPS guides in this series, available for Kindle:

Arizona, New Mexico & the Grand Canyon TRIPS
California TRIPS
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Travel America with Lonely Planet! Since 1984 Lonely Planet USA has published over 100 guides to America, working with over 200 American travel writers. For our TRIPS series our authors drove more than 150,000 miles, visited 378 diners, stopped at 1280 roadside attractions and rediscovered the country they love.

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The Shopkeeper (A Steve Dancy Tale) (Kindle Edition) top deals

Saturday, April 7, 2012

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  Product Details
Publisher: Queen Beach
Release date: November 21, 2007
Number of Pages: 243 pages
ASIN: B000ZVSCK4 Sales Rank: 13049

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  Product Description
I have to say its one of the best western books I've read in a long time. You'll find yourself lost in the book--the fast pace keeps it interesting. --Woman'sDay, Maritza Barone

The Shopkeeper is an entertaining story about a New York shopkeeper who has relocated to the wild west. The Shopkeeper is a smart gunslinger and star of a new western series.  --Nashville Examiner, Diane Scearce

A great book, I do hope that The Shopkeeper gets the readership it richly deserves.  --Blogger News Network, Simon Barrett

Steve Dancy is set on experiencing the West. At first glance, he is nothing more than a dilettante Easterner intent on writing a journal about his adventures on the frontier. He's not running away from a hopeless life. To the contrary, he's educated and seems to have enough money for his simple needs. Although anxious to avoid trouble, he can be pushed only so far, and when he chances upon some bad men doing unspeakable things to a woman, he feels he must take a hand. It isn't long before he's caught up in gunplay, which leads him into taking desperate measures, including buying a bank and a hotel, and influencing the upcoming gubernatorial elections. Dancy is a far different man than these Westerners think he is. Wealthy after selling off his Eastern businesses, maybe he should have told them what kind of goods he sold, because he's sure not like any other shopkeepers they know.
This is a fast paced tale with an interesting hero. In structure, with short chapters, crisp dialogue, and lots of movement, it's reminiscent of a thriller. Sadly, neither of the women in this story were enduring, the older too evil and crass to believe, and the younger far from worthy of the infatuation the hero apparently feels toward her. The motivation seems weak for all the mayhem that ensues. Still, you'll certainly find enough twists and turns to provide an entertaining and exciting story. --Western Writers of America Roundup Magazine, August, 2008

Product Description
In 1879, Steve Dancy sells his New York shop and ventures west to explore and write a journal about his adventures. Though he's not looking for trouble, Dancy's infatuation with another man's wife soon embroils him in a deadly feud with Sean Washburn, a Nevada silver baron.

Infuriated by the outrages of two hired thugs, the shopkeeper kills both men in an impulsive street fight. Dancy believes this barbarian act has closed the episode. He is wrong. He has interfered with Washburn's ambitions, and this is something the mining tycoon will not allow. Is a New York City Shopkeeper tough enough to survive in the Wild West?

Pinkertons, hired assassins, and aggrieved bystanders escalate the feud until it pulls in all the moneyed interests and power brokers in Nevada.

About the Author
James D. Best is the author of The Shopkeeper, Leadville, and Murder at Thumb Butte in the Steve Dancy Western series. His other books include Tempest at Dawn, The Shut Mouth Society, andThe Digital Organization. Tempest at Dawn is a dramatization of the 1787 Constitutional Convention. James has written monthly columns for two magazine and numerous journal articles. He lives with his wife, Diane, in Paradise Valley, Arizona.
You can learn more about James and his books at

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Friday, April 6, 2012

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Manufacturer: Best
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Good helping hand for repair cell phones easily.
Brand new 30 in 1 Pocket Precision Screwdriver Set would be the perfect accessories
Package Included: 1 x Repair Screwdriver Handle, 30 x Screwdriver Bits, 1 x tweezer
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The Best of Me (Hardcover) top deals

Thursday, April 5, 2012

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  Product Details
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Release date: October 11, 2011
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 6 inches x 1 inches x 8.8 inches; 14.7 ounces
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces
Number of Pages: 304 pages ...

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  Product Description Review
A Q&A with Author Nicholas Sparks
Q: What was your inspiration for writing The Best of Me?

A: I suppose the inspiration was two-fold. It had been a long time since I’d done a “reunion” story (like The Notebook) so it was time to do another. At the same time, I wanted it to be different than The Notebook in almost every way. At the same time, I wanted to write a novel about characters in their forties. At that age, people are coming to terms with the decisions and choices they’ve made in the past. The Best of Me was essentially a combination of those two ideas.

Q: This book deals with falling in love for the first time and how sometimes that love is so strong it can cross the span of time and space no matter what happens. Is that something you believe in?

A: Yes, I believe it’s possible. First love is always powerful, and for some people, that love really does last forever. The problem with that, however, is that over time, the love often becomes romanticized. I wanted to write a novel that explored that concept as well. Neither Dawson nor Amanda are the same people they’d been when they were younger, and little by little, that romanticism diminishes over the course of the story. For them, however, the new reality nonetheless left them feeling the same way about each other as they once had. And yet, they fell in love once more. Or maybe, phrasing it differently, they never fell out of love in the first place.

Q: Former high school sweethearts Amanda Collier and Dawson Cole reconnect after 25 years when their mentor, Tuck Hostetler, dies and they are summoned back to Oriental, North Carolina for his funeral. One of things that drove Amanda and Dawson apart was that they were from the opposite side of the tracks. Are class differences still a part of everyday life in a town like Oriental, North Carolina?

A: Class differences aren’t as powerful as they once were, but they’re still prevalent. I don’t know, however, if it’s limited to places like Oriental, and nor do I see it as entirely and without question a terrible thing. People who intend to spend their lives together should have things in common, and like it or not, class is, and always has been, part of that, because it shapes the people that we are.

With Amanda and Dawson--and many others in the real world, of course--the class differences were less important than their similarities. Neither one of them got along with their parents, both were intelligent, both had dreams, and over the years, both of them had disappointments.

Q: Today, we can easily reconnect with people from our past via Facebook and other social networking sites. How often do you think people try to find their first love on these sites?

A: It’s very common. I know people who’ve reconnected with someone from their past then later married them, but that’s probably less common than simply reaching out via social media to an old boyfriend or girlfriend simply to find out what’s been going on in their lives. I can understand the draw: First love is powerful because it’s a first, and it’s almost impossible to forget.

Q: At the point when Amanda and Dawson reconnect, Amanda has been married almost twenty years and it’s clear she is having problems in her marriage. Having been married for 22 years yourself, what would you say is the key to a successful marriage?

A: For every couple, it’s different, because every couple faces different challenges, and every person has differing abilities when it comes to meeting those challenges. The key to any successful marriage is to realize that the commitment you once made to each other is the most important aspect to keep in mind. That simple truth, if truly felt, should be enough to make you realize that you can’t put that commitment at risk. If your partner feels the same way, he or she wouldn’t put that commitment at risk either.

At the same time, it’s important to understand that all marriages have challenging periods. No one is perfect, after all. But if the commitment to each other--which sometimes requires a commitment to change--is truly felt, then most likely, that marriage will be successful.

Q: This book has a large, spiritual component to it. Tuck sees Clara, his dead wife, and Dawson sees a man in a blue windbreaker, although he is not sure who he is and the reader does not find out until the end. Do you believe in ghosts?

A: I think I do. I had an experience much like the one Dawson described: at times, I could see unexplainable movement from the corners of my eyes. Quick, instantaneous movements that vanished before I could turn my head. If you talk to the owners of the house where those events occurred, they will swear it was a ghost. Other events occurred in that house as well before the “ghost”--or whatever it was--was finally exorcised from the premises. But that’s a longer story for another time.

Q: There is an absolutely stunning scene that unfolds when Amanda and Dawson go to Tuck’s country cottage for the first time. It’s very reminiscent of a scene that happens in The Notebook. Would you say this book, which examines young love versus middle age love, is the book closest in sentiment to The Notebook?

A: Without question, this is closest in sentiment--at least through the majority of the story – when compared to The Notebook. I wanted to do exactly that. At the same time, I wanted to make everything else about the story completely different as well, and I’m hopeful I did that as well.

Q: Tuck writes letters to Amanda and Dawson to be read after he is dead. They are wise and beautifully written. In this day and age of constant, electronic overload, do you lament the lost art of letter writing?

A: I do. I love letters as opposed to e-mail. But I’m old-fashioned that way.

Q: Warner Bros. has already bought the film rights to The Best of Me. You will be a producer on this film along with Denise DiNovi. How often is an author also a producer for the movie version of a book he/she has written? Is this unprecedented?

A: I’m sure other authors have served as a producer of their work; some have even directed. But it was somewhat unprecedented for Warner to agree to that – and purchase the novel--before I’d written a single page.

Q: Of all the movies based on your novels, which is your favorite?

A: I’ve been fortunate in that all the movies have been well-done and all have been successful, so I don’t have a personal favorite. I can say, however, is that, at the current time, The Notebook seems most likely to become a classic.

Photo by Nina Subin

Pulls at the heartstrings Sunday Times It goes without saying that the 16th novel from this master of love stories will capture hearts once again... This story will tug at the heartstrings of Nicholas Sparks fans like never before OK! When you pick up a book by the author of teary heartbreakers such as The Notebook and The Last Song, you know you're in for an A-grade romantic read Cosmopolitan
Product Description
"Everyone wanted to believe that endless love was possible. She'd believed in it once, too, back when she was eighteen."

In the spring of 1984, high school students Amanda Collier and Dawson Cole fell deeply, irrevocably in love. Though they were from opposite sides of the tracks, their love for one another seemed to defy the realities of life in the small town of Oriental, North Carolina. But as the summer of their senior year came to a close, unforeseen events would tear the young couple apart, setting them on radically divergent paths.

Now, twenty-five years later, Amanda and Dawson are summoned back to Oriental for the funeral of Tuck Hostetler, the mentor who once gave shelter to their high school romance. Neither has lived the life they imagined . . . and neither can forget the passionate first love that forever changed their lives. As Amanda and Dawson carry out the instructions Tuck left behind for them, they realize that everything they thought they knew -- about Tuck, about themselves, and about the dreams they held dear -- was not as it seemed. Forced to confront painful memories, the two former lovers will discover undeniable truths about the choices they have made. And in the course of a single, searing weekend, they will ask of the living, and the dead: Can love truly rewrite the past?
About the Author
Nicholas Sparks is the author of 16 books. He lives in North Carolina with his wife and children. You can visit the author's web site at www.

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Product Description
Introducing… New Earth's Best TenderCare Chlorine Free Diapers from Earth's Best - the #1 baby brand in natural foods. These diapers are made from absorbent materials that are never treated with chorine bleach. Their breathable sides, moisture barrier cuffs and refastenable tabs ensure premium fit, comfort and ease of use. Our diapers are made with annually remewable resources such as corn and wheat that lessen the use of petro-chemicals by 20%, to reduce your baby's environmental footprint.

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Manufacturer: ISLAND MERCURY
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Best Smoothie Drinker's Recipes (Best Healthy Living Recipes) (Kindle Edition) best price

Monday, April 2, 2012

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  Product Details
Release date: January 31, 2012
ASIN: B0074B2BFA Sales Rank: 25702

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  Product Description
Product Description
As a Medical Director of Digital Imaging, Dr. Jennie Yoon has seen what happens when disease attacks a body from the inside and works its way to the outside. Not a pretty picture. However, her motivation to find answers has led to some amazing findings about the connection between healthy living, disease prevention and nutrition.

And Dr. Yoon's fascination on the body's response to a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables has led to this colorful and tasty series about recipes, beginning with a fantastic variety of smoothies. Take a look at what you'll find in this second book of the series:

Smoothie Blending Time
• Orange banana smoothie
• Nutritional information about berries
• Smoothie with extra kick of vitamin C
• Nutritional information about vitamin C

• Orange peach smoothie with flaxseed
• Nutritional information about flaxseed
• Green vegetable smoothie
• Strawberry banana blueberry smoothie pop
• Green tea avocado spinach smoothie

Refreshing Drinks
• Iced ginger green tea
• Nutritional information about green tea
• Pomegranate juice iced tea
• Nutritional information about pomegranate juice
• Lemon grape juice cooler
• Nutritional information about grapes
• Sodas without sugar
• Club soda with cranberry juice
• Nutritional information about sugary sodas
• Spiced coffee

• Vegetable stock
• Chicken stock
• Fish stock
• Meat stock
• Gazpacho
• Nutritional information about vegetables in our diet
• Chilled tomato basil soup
• Nutritional information about tomato
• Chilled avocado soup with cumin
• Nutritional information about avocado
• Spiced mango soup with yogurt
• Nutritional information about yogurt
• Miso soup with tofu and green onions
• Nutritional information about soy
• Avgolemono Greek soup
• Nutritional information about rice
• Irish potato soup with walnuts
• Nutritional information about walnuts
• Roasted root vegetable soup
• Pumpkin soup with brown rice
• Tomato soup
• Corn and potato chowder
• Vegetable soup
• Chicken noodle soup
• Ramen noodle soup with eggs
• Whole wheat pasta soup with miso broth
• Beef and barley soup
• Beef country soup
• Seafood chowder
• Curried salmon soup with tomato salsa
• Sweet potato and fish chowder

Bon Appétit!

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Private Party, or when I hired my best-friend stripper for my husband (Girls' Club) (Kindle Edition) reviews

Friday, March 30, 2012

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  Product Details
Publisher: James Grieve Press
Release date: November 4, 2011

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Product Description
When Jack's stag party is cancelled, his new bride Mel is determined to make it up for him. So she arranges a private party: a quiet night in, some drinks, and a stripper for just the two of them.

A Girls' Club story from the author of Easy as One, Two, Three and Letting Go.

Note: this story contains explicit adult content. Lots of it.

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The Hits Collection Volume One (Deluxe Version) [Explicit] (MP3 Download) special offers

Thursday, March 29, 2012

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  Product Details
Manufacturer: Roc Nation / IDJ
ASIN: B004BSHSSY Sales Rank: 24

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Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and Activists (Hardcover) top price

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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  Product Details
Publisher: University of California Press
Release date: May 8, 2001
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 8.6 inches x 5.7 inches x 0.8 inches; 12.3 ounces
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
Number of Pages: 190 pages ...

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  Product Description Review
When it comes to thinking about statistics, there are four kinds of people: awestruck, naive, cynical, and critical. According to sociologist Joel Best, the vast majority of people are naive (yes, you too probably suffer from a mild case of innumeracy), and the result is mutant statistics, guesswork, and poor policy decisions. "Bad statistics live on," writes Best in this highly accessible book, "they take on lives of their own." Take this one: a psychologist's estimate that perhaps 6 percent of priests were at some point sexually attracted to young people was transformed through a chain of errors into the "fact" that 6 percent of priests were pedophiles. Then there was the one about eating disorders. An original estimate that 150,000 women were anorexic, made by concerned activists, mutated into 150,000 women dying from the disorder annually (the truth: about 70 women a year). But these two mutant statistics have been published and passed along as facts for years, enduring long after the truth has been pointed out.
In an effort to turn people into critical thinkers, Best presents three questions to ask about all statistics and the four basic sources of bad ones. He shows how good statistics go bad; why comparing statistics from different time periods, groups, etc. is akin to mixing apples and oranges; and why surveys do little to clarify people's feelings about complex social issues. Random samples, it turns out, are rarely random enough. He also explains what all the hoopla is over how the poverty line is measured and the census is counted. What is the "dark figure"? How many men were really at the Million Man March? How is it possible for the average income per person to rise at the same time the average hourly wage is falling? And how do you discern the truth behind stat wars? Learn it all here before you rush to judgment over the next little nugget of statistics-based truth you read. --Lesley Reed
From Publishers Weekly
Who really said, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics" Mark Twain or Benjamin Disraeli? Best, professor of sociology at the University of Delaware and author of several books, including Random Violence, settles the question once and for all: Disraeli (whom Twain credits for his use of the remark in his autobiography). The quote's misattribution is similar to the twisted course statistics often take as they "mutate" into bar-chart monsters with slim if any relation to the original numbers or reality. For instance, a few years ago it was estimated that 150,000 American women are anorexic. Somehow, this mutated into an erroneous if not dangerous statistic: 150,000 women die annually from anorexia. Since only about 55,500 American women between 15 and 44 (the age range for most cases of anorexia) die from all causes each year, this number challenges common sense and the ability of reporters to question what they write about. But it has become a frequently cited, "authoritative" figure that's hard to dispute. Best explains in untechnical language important statistical concepts like "dark figures," "false positives" and "false negatives," and how statisticians often err in comparing dissimilar groups (e.g., test scores of American high school students to those of Europeans, with their multitrack systems of secondary education). He has an annoying habit of italicizing words and phrases to emphasize a point, and he conflates "activists" and "advocates" (academic writers' favorite bogeymen as purveyors of suspect statistics), but these are minor issues. This informative and well-written little book will be a particularly worthwhile addition to libraries' collections and will help all readers become savvier and more critical news consumers.

Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
One intriguing contention in Best's counsel on how not to be snowed by statistics is that statistics actually create social problems. Only after someone measures the extent of a predicament and trumpets the findings does society decide it has a problem. Take anorexia, of which 150,000 young women were said to die each year. Unfortunately, the statistic involved in that case was bad, a misrepresentation of an estimate that 150,000 may suffer from anorexia. Such mangling is just one, if often the most dramatic, way of making statistics bad that Best wants readers to watch out for. Others are poor definition of what is to be measured, sampling that inaccurately reflects the constituents of what is measured, and guessing instead of measuring. Using numbers tossed about in major controversies, such as Kinsey's 10 percent figure for the proportion of Americans who are homosexuals, Best shows how to spot all those ways of producing bad statistics. And before you critique the numbers, he says, assess their sources for trustworthiness. Invaluable counsel for good citizenship. Ray Olson
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
"Always engaging, it is accessible to a lay reader, yet will reward the expert." -- Nature

"Definitely a must for politicians, activists and others who generate or use statistics . . . " -- New Scientist

"Deserves a place next to the dictionary on every school, media, and home-office desk." -- Boston Globe editorial

"Invaluable counsel for good citizenship." -- Booklist

"It is as important to discussions of public policy as any book circulating today." -- Christian Science Monitor

"There's a 73 percent chance that the University of Delaware prof has got our number." -- San Diego Union-Tribune

"This informative and well-written little book . . . will help all readers become savvier and more critical news consumers." -- Publishers Weekly

"What we are offered is an approach that helps us to work out the real story behind those numbers." -- the Independent

"[It] ought to be required reading in every newsroom in the country." -- the Washington Times
Product Description
Does the number of children gunned down double each year? Does anorexia kill 150,000 young women annually? Do white males account for only a sixth of new workers? Startling statistics shape our thinking about social issues. But all too often, these numbers are wrong. This book is a lively guide to spotting bad statistics and learning to think critically about these influential numbers. Damned Lies and Statistics is essential reading for everyone who reads or listens to the news, for students, and for anyone who relies on statistical information to understand social problems.
Joel Best bases his discussion on a wide assortment of intriguing contemporary issues that have garnered much recent media attention, including abortion, cyberporn, homelessness, the Million Man March, teen suicide, the U.S. census, and much more. Using examples from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other major newspapers and television programs, he unravels many fascinating examples of the use, misuse, and abuse of statistical information.
In this book Best shows us exactly how and why bad statistics emerge, spread, and come to shape policy debates. He recommends specific ways to detect bad statistics, and shows how to think more critically about "stat wars," or disputes over social statistics among various experts. Understanding this book does not require sophisticated mathematical knowledge; Best discusses the most basic and most easily understood forms of statistics, such as percentages, averages, and rates.
This accessible book provides an alternative to either naively accepting the statistics we hear or cynically assuming that all numbers are meaningless. It shows how anyone can become a more intelligent, critical, and empowered consumer of the statistics that inundate both the social sciences and our media-saturated lives.
From the Inside Flap
"[An] absolutely fascinating and sobering quest into the fantastic differences between the world as it is and the world as it is portrayed in the statistics the media use. . . .This book is simply a must."--Nachman Ben-Yehuda, author of The Masada Myth

"Best is our leading authority on social problems today. His detective work in exposing the spurious use of statistics is essential to constructive social science. No one who speaks for the public welfare can ignore his powerful work."--Jonathan B. Imber, Editor-in-Chief, Society

"Joel Best is at it again. In Damned Lies and Statistics, he shows how statistics are manipulated, mismanaged, misrepresented, and massaged by officials and other powerful groups to promote their agendas. He is a master at examining taken-for-granted "facts" and debunking them through careful sociological scrutiny."--Patricia Adler, author of Peer Power

"A real page turner. Best is the John Grisham of sociology!"--James Holstein, author of The New Language of Qualitative Method

"In our era, numbers are as much a staple of political debates as stories. And just as stories so often turn into fables, so Best shows that we often believe the most implausible of numbers--to the detriment of us all."--Peter Reuter, co-author of Drug War Heresies: Learning from Other Vices,Times and Places
From the Back Cover
"[An] absolutely fascinating and sobering quest into the fantastic differences between the world as it is and the world as it is portrayed in the statistics the media use. . . .This book is simply a must."-Nachman Ben-Yehuda, author of The Masada Myth
"Best is our leading authority on social problems today. His detective work in exposing the spurious use of statistics is essential to constructive social science. No one who speaks for the public welfare can ignore his powerful work."-Jonathan B. Imber, Editor-in-Chief, Society

"Joel Best is at it again. In Damned Lies and Statistics, he shows how statistics are manipulated, mismanaged, misrepresented, and massaged by officials and other powerful groups to promote their agendas. He is a master at examining taken-for-granted "facts" and debunking them through careful sociological scrutiny."-Patricia Adler, author of Peer Power

"A real page turner. Best is the John Grisham of sociology!"-James Holstein, author of The New Language of Qualitative Method
About the Author
Joel Best is Professor and Chair of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the University of Delaware and author of Random Violence (California, 1999), among other books.

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The Best of 2Pac - Pt. 1: Thug [Explicit] (MP3 Download) top deals

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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  Product Details
Manufacturer: Interscope
ASIN: B000ZMUT72 Sales Rank: 398

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Karen's Best Friend (Kindle Edition) top deals

Monday, March 26, 2012

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  Product Details
Release date: February 24, 2012
ASIN: B007DI16VE Sales Rank: 5085

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  Product Description
Product Description
Karen is a young widow, still mourning her husband ten months after his death. Financial difficulties force her to work long hours at a job she hates. The one bright spot in her life is her little daughter, Cindi.
One morning, Karen decides to pick herself up and start again. The first step is to go back to college. If she finishes her degree, she can have the career she wants, as a teacher of French. The problem is: she can’t afford to take time off, unless she finds a cheaper place to live. A solution arrives in the form of her old friend, Jim. He’s on a tight budget, too, and he needs someone to share his apartment. Karen foresees difficulties, if she moves in with a man. Jim, though, reassures her. There’s no chemistry, no spark. It should be easy to live together as “just friends.”
Thinking matters over, Karen agrees. After all, Jim is the kind of man she calls a “Mr Nice Guy”—good-natured and funny, but not physically attractive.
Soon she and her daughter have settled in. Life is pleasant, but dull, until the employment agency calls with an ideal assignment: six days at a legal conference in Venice. In that dream-like city, she meets Mark Lebrun, a man she sees as a fairy-tale prince. Handsome and rich, he makes life easy for Karen. Unfortunately, her friend, Manon, dislikes him. And Karen herself begins to notice flaws in his character. But she confronts Mark and he promises to change.
In the meantime, Jim has been dating Manon. She encourages him to lose weight and work out at the gym. Soon women begin to notice him. And Karen is one of them.
As problems worsen with Mark, she wonders: has she been looking for love in the wrong place? And when she decides what she really wants, will it be too late?

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